

Each of the files listed below have been individually re-mastered and converted to digital MP3 files. These recordings were all taken from the original cassette tape masters. Not many were done in any kind of studio environment. Therefore, some of them have been enhanced and cleaned up as much as possible to reduce backgrounds, muffled voices and overall volume. But because of their age, and the quality of those original recordings there are files in the EMFJ Archives that leave something to be desired regarding audio fidelity. This is especially true for recordings made in living rooms; classrooms; or recorded on low quality equipment to begin with. However, we feel that the value of the information content in most of these files more than makes up for any lack in sound quality.

In all cases the precise recording date or location have been long forgotten and any supporting records lost. But overall, the date ranges span from mid 1976 up thru the end of 1984. But as a point of reference, the higher catalog numbers roughly correspond to the later time periods. For example, file ST141 would be several years newer in age than file JY22. Of course with the ensuing passage of years, speakers back then will refer to "current" events and persons that are now long past and some even long gone, including some of the speaker's themselves. However, as mentioned in the file ID lead in's, very little Mormon doctrine has changed since the death of Brigham Young. And of course in the case of history, what was wrong in the 1800's and the 1970's or 80's is still wrong today!

Clicking on the blue underlined "hot links" shown in the left column below will automatically download the MP3 file to your default media client and should start playing the introduction music immediately. You can simply listen to that presentation then and there. Or using your media client's "Save As" function, you can save a copy of the MP3 file to your local device to be listened to later and shared freely with others. If you right click on the hot link, you should be able to do a direct "Save A" without downloading to your media software first.

Recognizing that not everyone in the world has high speed internet, in the descriptions, we've shown the file sizes (in megabytes, "Mbxx") so you can plan your downloadings accordingly. Finally for any poor soul living completely apart from any kind of internet connection (i.e. say, 75 miles outside of Homer, AK for example!), we can arrange to get the entire MP3 library loaded on a single USB memory stick just for the cost of time, materials and postage. Just drop us a note to see if we can work it out for you.



Witnessing Files:


Witnessing To Mormons -- Reviews some of the basic "mechanics" of witnessing encounters with Mormons. Some topics include: asking the right questions, meeting missionaries, how to be bold, etc. (42.1Mb)

Bob Witte


The Restoration Discussion -- A point-by-point examination and refutation of the first LDS missionary "discussion" that was being used in the 1970's. The script has evolved somewhat since then, but the very same arguments & manipulations are still used today. (41.8Mb)

Bob Witte


The Question Missionaries Can Not Answer -- Now there is an interesting thought! Basically, the question can be summarized as "Where does the Book of Mormon teach any of the unique LDS doctrines?" (21.2Mb)

John Yount


Mormon Terms Defined -- The vast differences between the definitions of terms used by both Mormonism and Christianity are cleared up in this talk. Almost 100 terms are defined for you. (40.4Mb)

Bob Witte


DB159-Blow Them A Kiss -- Dick Baer teaches on the K.I.S.S. method (Keep It Simple Saints!) when witnessing. (43.2Mb)

Dick Baer


An Encounter With LDS Missionaries -- A live encounter with missionaries at someone's home. (37.3Mb)

Bob Witte, et al


An Update In Researching -- Sandra Tanner's views on effective witnessing to LDS. (29Mb)

Sandra Tanner


Witness To Fundamentalists -- Talking with a room full of folks that believe in polygamy and that Adam is their God. (43.8Mb)

Bob Witte, et al


Witnessing To Mormons -- Pointers on effective communicating by Wesley Walters, one of the premier researchers of Mormon history and doctrine. (38.7Mb)

Wesley Walters


A Conversation With Two Elders -- Another live encounter with missionaries (a different pair however). (31.6Mb)

Bob Witte, et al


A Traveling Missionary to Mormons -- Wally Tope spent about a dozen years on the road out west preaching to thousands of Mormons. (37.3Mb)

Wally Tope


Techniques In Apologetics -- A live encounter with missionaries at someone's home. (37.3Mb)

Wesley Walters

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